Sunday, February 24, 2008

Best Christian Blog of the Week

What others say about this award:

Check out "Best Christian Blog of the Week" winners here >>


Evelyn Zoe said...

wow ...ur award looks cool!

Anonymous said...

thank you cyberanger for awarding me :p :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bro!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the award, cyberanger!

Nunzia said...

awesome.. im looking fwd to reading them...

audrey` said...

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement =)

ClaraJoy said...

hey.. i just read your comment from, and yupp, you can link it no problem (: your blog looks way cool mans.. praise the Lord!

Elson - son of El (El means God in hebrew) said...

hello brother in Christ, thanks for the award!

ur website is like so 'high-tech'... wow!! :)


Malcolm Loh said...

thanks for the award, cyberanger! it is indeed an encouragement for me to keep the posts coming :-)

Just out of curiosity, how did you come across my blog?

Also, do you happen to be from New Creation Church?

Angie said...

Tks for posting up all these christian blogs of the week. these blogs have been a great source of encouragement and spiritual learning! ;)

Emmanuel said...

Hi I'm Reza. Thank you for awarding me on Nov 12th 2006. : )
Just to share with you. I have a new blog site at
This has a more relaxed feel to it.
I hope this will be a blessing to others as well. Especially you malay friends.
God bless you richly!

BenTing said...

Thanks for ur Award! Thanks for the encouragement.

To God be the glory!

gracious said...

hey thanks again :) God bless!

audrey` said...

Blessed Easter =)

Sheena aka Miaka said...

Hey there, came across your site in an uncanny manner while searching for something else. But it has been a whole new experience reading from other fellow christians' blogs too.

And yeah, are you from New creation Church too? :)

Andrea Ng said...

Awesome! Thanks! May you be blessed and rocked in Jesus's love everyda.

Wilz said...

No wonder...fellow brother/sister from the Same how did you find me? through googling 'New Creation Church' 'Joseph Prince'?

Ah...guess it is really God's way of confirmation yet again..hahahaha...

Lance Eh. said...

Hey, please check out my site. It's Http:// . Thanks and keep the faith brother!

God Bless!
Lance Eh.

Lance Eh. said...

Thank you so much Cyberanger for the reward! I truly feel honored!

G-man said...

Man! So cool! To see a list of Encouraging Blogs to read!!

I'm also searching for Ps Mark, Ps Chin or Ps Prince's blogs. Do u know them? ^^

Thanks heaps! =)

Anonymous said...
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Andrea Ng said...

Hi, are you still giving out Best Christian Blog awards? I have since moved my blog over to wordpress, i hope u can still find me. heehee. ( I have added you to my links too. :) Are you in New Creation Church?