Monday, August 01, 2005

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

(Phil 1:6)

Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me deeply and calling me to walk with you in LOVE. Help me to focus on you today, and to trust in you in all things. You are my blessed assurance, and nothing compares to knowing you. You are my love and you are my life. Hallelujah!


  1. Amen! there are things in my life now that I am tempted to do it myself, yet I know that I know that I want to walk in His goodness and mercy instead of my arm of flesh. sometimes it may just being a small issue of concern that we would think we can handle, yet my earnest desire is to really walk in "cast all my cares to Him"

    He began it and He will bring it to completion. AMEN!

    Why He loved me SO!

  2. cybeRanger-
    you may certainly link my blog to yours. thanks for asking. may the Lord bless you as you put your trust in Him.

  3. HI, this is Janice aka PreciousMe :D. Dunno if u still remember me, thanks for dropping by friend. Godspeed! ;)

  4. Thank you God for your promises to us!


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