Friday, April 14, 2006

Read - -> I Corinthians 15:54-55

A story is told about Sin and Death. On the Friday night after Jesus was crucified, Sin came running into the garden where the body of Jesus had been laid in the tomb. Sin cried out, "Death, do you really have Him?"

Death called back from within the tomb, "Yes, Sin, I really have Him. I've got my hand on Him. My shroud is around His body." Sin left.

On Saturday night, Sin went back to the garden and called out to Death inside the tomb, "Do you still have Him? The word is out that He's going to rise again after three days." Death replied, "Go home. I've got it under control. My hands are on Him, and the stone's in place. He's not going anywhere!"

Sin left, but the next day he was back. He found the stone rolled away and Death sitting in the tomb, his head in his hands. "What happened?" Sin asked. "Where is He?" Death said, "Something began to move around in that tomb. Suddenly that stone catapulted from the door, the angels of God filled the space, and Jesus shook me off and rose up out of that shroud, whole, well, and alive!"

"Did He say anything?" Sin asked.

"Just one thing," Death answered. "He said, 'Tell your good friend Sin that you're both conquered.'"


  1. "For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:10-11

    Happy Easter



  2. Hi Cyberanger, Happy Easter to you too.

    God Bless.


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