Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rosh Hashanah is coming!

22 September 2006 (Elul 29, 5766, at sundown) is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Also called Yom Teru’ah (the Feast of Trumpets), this sacred time has prophetic significance, since it commemorates both the creation of the universe by Adonai, as well as the “calling up” of the new creation at the behest of Yeshua (Jesus), when the sound of the heavenly shofar inaugurates the anticipated End of Days (1 Cor 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).

Since the first advent of Yeshua fulfilled all of the spring mo’edim (appointed times) to the smallest of details, I believe that His second advent portends similar fulfillment as revealed in the fall mo’edim. After the summer of harvest (John 4:35), the very first fall festival on the Jewish calendar is Yom Teru’ah, which is a picture of the “catching away” of kallat Mashiach (the Bride of Christ) for the time of Sheva Berachot (seven “days” of blessing) that the tzaddikim (righteous ones) will experience before the Great Tribulation and Yom Adonai - the terrible Day of the Lord.

Lord, help us to be ready for your SOON return! Maran Atah, Yeshua!


  1. Keep on writting, you are speaking a message needing to be heard! God bless you, Tiffany

  2. ooh, please to know u sir, wud like to hear from u as well.Got a lot of infos from all the links u have. My email is hoyozu@hotmail.com. Please do not hesistate to add me. God bless.


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