Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Simple Testimony

Why did I become a Christian?
For a simple reason, my Heavenly Father is a good and loving God. I could have passed away on April 1, 1989. I prayed to God to extend my life for another 10 years. Miraculously, God has since preserved my life on numerous occasions. By the undeserved, unearned and unmerited favour of God, I am blessed and alive today. Praise the Lord!!

Be sure to meditate on Psalm 103: 1-5 and you shall be blessed.

Why did you become a Christian? Feel free to share your testimony here? :)
If you are not a Christian, click here to find out What Is A Christian?


  1. Isn't it cool that we chose to listen to God and not the devil. Now we can go to Heaven and glorify our king. God bless you for making that decision. I know that God is going to use you in many ways. Be Blessed.

  2. A simple reason: God loves us! So simple and yet many rejected him. :(

    We are precious in His eyes, just like Jesus! We are now called sons and daughters of God. Hallelujah!

  3. Praise the Lord that He kept you, as He sees this day that people will be impacted by your blogs.. I've been truly blessed by your blogs.. :D

  4. Sufficie it to say God took everything from me until i realized that He was sufficient. :) I hope a lot of people read this who don't know Christ and see the marvellous things the Lord has done in the lives of those who believe in Him... and even in their lives when they don't acknowledge Him.


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