Thursday, November 24, 2011

♥ 50 Reasons to give thanks to our Lord ♥

I will be praying for you as Heavenly Father guides you and gives you His wisdom, boldness and grace in sharing the hope and love of Jesus Christ with those who don't know Him.

Are you grateful to Abba Father today? Feel free to post your comments to encourage others. Thanks. :)

Heavenly Father, in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ:

  • Thank You so much for waking me up this morning - with mind and heart that know You!

  • Thank You so much that You formed me, made me and gave me the breath of life.

  • Thank You so much for the air I breathe, the food I eat and the water I drink.

  • Thank You so much for family, friends, and loved ones that you have blessed me with.

  • Thank You so much for every brother and sister in the great big family of God throughout the whole world. It is such a blessing to get to meet and fellowship with so many of them and to know them by the spirit.

  • Thank You so much for making known to me the path of life, filling me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.

  • Thank You so much that You're my glory and the lifter of my head.

  • Thank You so much for removing the spirit of fear and giving me the spirit of power, love and a sound mind.

  • Thank You so much for being my refuge and strong tower. I put my hope in You, knowing that through You, I can conquer fear! Help me to live strong, bold, and victorious life for Your glory.

  • Thank You so much for Your creation that reminds us that You are God and that there is none like You.

  • Thank You so much for Your precious promise: "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

  • Thank You so much for being faithful to Your Word.

  • Thank You so much for giving Your life, suffering that I could know you.
  • Thank You so much for granting me abundance of grace to walk with You today as a Christlike overcomer, reigning in life. ~new~
  • Thank You so much that in Your presence there is wholeness.
  • Thank You so much for teaching me wonderful things from Your Word.
  • Thank You so much that You know every doubt, fear, and care I have.. for You are the Lord who cares for me
  • Thank You so much for choosing to adopt me, through Jesus Christ, before the creation of the world.
  • Thank You so much for the privilege of calling You my Abba, Daddy.

  • Thank You so much for Your unbroken covenant ratified by Your Blood that I have Christ the hope of glory abiding within me with unlimited anointing so that everywhere I go people are healed, delivered and saved because of the fullness of Christ, the anointing that is in me, and upon me.

  • Thank You so much for reminding me that You are the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the King of the universe, my Father who loves me, and my Shepherd who leads me.
  • Thank You so much for being my Redeemer, my wisdom, my counselor, my hope, and my strength.
  • Thank You so much for surrounding me with Your favour as with a shield.
  • Thank You so much for Your exceedingly abundant grace, which is sufficient for each new day!
  • Thank You so much for Your unfailing love, abundant joy and perfect shalom.
  • Thank You so much for loving me when I fail You.
  • Thank You so much for making me a new creation in Christ.
  • Thank You so much for always meeting my needs according to Your riches in glory through Jesus Christ.
  • Thank You so much for showing me the truth about Yourself.
  • Thank You so much for the assurance that my troubles are not greater than my Helper, and that my sins are not greater than Jesus, my Saviour
  • Thank You so much for helping me to find my rest in knowing you- to find my peace, trusting in your promise to finish the good work you have begun in me.
  • Thank You so much for helping those who do not know how to help themselves.
  • Thank You so much for listening and answering all my prayers.
  • Thank You so much that as I bring all my heartaches to You, and trust You to fight my battles, You will work everything out for my good and Your glory!
  • Thank You so much for Your perfect work in me, to keep me free from comparing myself with others, and faultfinding, so that I can walk with You in love.
  • Thank You so much for being with me, especially in the blindness of my frustration, and for calling me to turn aside from the dust storm of my own understanding, to lay my burdens down at Your feet.
  • Thank You so much for Your kindness toward me and Your covenant of shalom peace.
  • Thank You so much for helping me to get to know You more and more, so that my relationship with You can produce the aroma of Christ in and through me, in all that I do.
  • Thank You so much that through Christ I am already more than a conqueror right in the midst of my present impossibilities.
  • Thank You so much for blessing and honoring me with Jesus, who sacrificed His life for me.
  • Thank You so much for the gifts, talents and resources you have entrusted to me.
  • Thank You so much for giving me spiritual weapons such as truth and the authority of Christ to bring my thoughts into obedience to You.
  • Thank You so much that You are God and that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek You.
  • Thank You so much for having faith in me, that I am a new creation in Christ.
  • Thank You so much for sending the Holy Spirit to guarantee all that I inherit with Jesus in Your kingdom.
  • Thank You so much for giving me the wonderful privilege of being a temple of Your Spirit.
  • Thank You so much for leading me in living for You and teaching me how to cultivate a lifestyle of praise and worship.
  • Thank You so much for blessing me with divine health.
  • Thank You so much for filling me afresh with the Holy Spirit and empowering me to live for righteousness, faith, love and peace.
  • Above all, Thank You so much for the precious blood of Jesus that brings forgiveness and cleansing from my sins. Thank You so much for redeeming me from the curse of the law and giving me eternal life.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)


  1. Let's be grateful every day for all of His gifts, spiritual and material. God is good and every good gift comes from Him. For those who know Christ, God also works everything together for good, even events we would not necessarily consider good. May Daddy God find us to be His grateful children.

  2. AMEN>>>>>>>>>>>>!God Bless You.

  3. Nice music cybeRanger! Praise God!

    Lets give thanks to our Abba Father.

  4. Hi! Just Hopping...Neat Blog I like it....

    Keep on keeping on Bro!...

  5. today i am thankful for things i didnt even know i should be thankful for! thank you!

  6. Absolutely, if you know me speaking in abzolustes is a caution, but with Christ it is a privlege.

  7. Opps I need spell check, I really liked this post.

  8. Thank you Abba for the many things that You have given me.. even those that I would never have the thought to ask for :)

  9. Thank God for the Christ in Us...

    Jesus loves us heaps!

  10. Praise God that He condescends to introduce Himself to us! May we all get to REALLY know Him more every day!!

  11. Hello,

    Regarding your request:

    "May I link to your blog from mine? Please reply @

    Feel free to add a link to and to let all your family and friends know about it.

    May God use us to expand His Kingdom,
    Lane Fox

  12. I actually just posted on this exact topic. Brings me back to a lot of what you wrote here!

  13. Yes, you may add a link to my site if you'd like. Thanks for doing so.

  14. Hi

    Thanks for your request:
    "May I link to your blog from mine? Please reply @"

    Sure (: Just add a link to

    Jesus loves you very much.
    To God be the glory!

  15. God, thank you so much for my fellow warrior in Christ, Cyberanger.

    Cyberanger, your prayer of thanksgiving (the list) was very real and sincere...and that's what God wants..a genuine heart of worship for Him!

    As for your request, sure, you may link to me. Thanks! I will link to you too! My blog is named: "A Heart of Worship."

    My URL is:


  16. you have an awesome blog here! I put you in my favorites so I can find my way back.

  17. Thank U Jesus I am still living...
    Thank U Jesus for the broad band...
    Thank U Jesus for my seeing pairs of eyes...

    Thank You for loving Us. Amen!

  18. WOW WOW WOW....the 51st reason to give thanks: thank God for your blog =) God Bless you!!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Thank you much for being my all Jesus...

  21. Hi! Cyberanger,

    My blogs address change as below

  22. wow.. lots of reasons eh?

    well i do agree la.. if we start counting our blessings, we'll see that we have plenty of reasons to give thanks :)

    check out my latest post in my blog :) hopefully that wld be encouraging! :)


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