Friday, January 01, 2016

Wonderful Christian Acronyms

ASAP= Always Say A Prayer
BA = Born Again
BASIC = Brothers And Sisters In Christ
BIBLE= Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
BIRD FLU= Believe In Redeemer Deeply, Fear Leaves Us
BMW= Bestow Me Wisdom
CARE=Come And Rest Everyday 
CASH= Christians Always Say Hallelujah

CHRISTMAS = CHRIST.. My Anointed Saviour
COLD= Call Our Lord Directly
CRASH= Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah
CROSS= Christ Redeemed Our Sins & Shame 
COOL= Christ Our Only Lord

EAGLE = Embrace Abba God's Love Everyday
FAITH= Forsaking All, I Trust Him
FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real
FISH= Forever I'll Serve Him
FROG= Faithfully Relying On God
FROGLA = Fresh Revelation Of God's Love and Acceptance
GLORY= God's Love Overflows in Redeemer Yeshua ~New~
GLUE= God Loves Us Eternally
GRACE = God's Riches At Christ's Expense
HELP = His Ever Loving Presence
HEART = Humility+Enthusiasm+Attitude+Relationship+Trust
HIGH FEVER= Healed In God's Hands, Faith Empowers, Vitalises, Edifies & Restores
HOPE = Hoping On, Pray Expectantly.
HUG = His Unlimited Grace.
JOY = Jesus, Others, Yourself.
KFC= Keep Following Christ
KISS = Keeping It Simple, Spiritually
LOGIC= Love Of God In Christ ~new~
LOVE= Live Out Victory Everyday
MERS= My Exalted Redeemer Saves!
OOPS= Only One Personal Savior
OSAS= Once Saved Always Saved
PEACE = Pray Expectantly, Adore Christ Everyday
PHD = Praticing Healing & Deliverance
PUSH= Pray Until Something Happen
RICH= Rejoice In Christ.. Hallelujah!
REST = Rooted Everyday, Simply Trust.
SARS= Stand And Receive Salvation
SHEEP= Saints Have Experienced Everlasting Peace
SMS= Saviour Miraculously Saves
SWORD= Simply Worship Our Redeemer Daily
TGIF= Thank God I'm Forgiven

THANKS= To Honour A Nail-pierced Kind Saviour
TITHE= The Investment That HE Endorsesa
TSUNAMI= Tackling Satan Ultimately Needs A Marvelous Intercessor


  1. :D Praise Jesus! Shall henceforth remind myself of His goodness whenever I hear one of these 'used-to-be-bad' words. And in answer to your other question, sure! :)

  2. He made ALL things good for His Children! :P

  3. cool!! thanks for the SINUS! we are indeed secure in Him who loves us! got to copy this down.. keekee :p

  4. wow!!!!!!!!!!! your revelation is really wow....hahhaaa...

  5. These words are so COOL. Now I won't gripe when I have SINUS problems. :oD BYE!

  6. I received your note on You have a great blog. It is filled with perspectives of faith, enthusiasm and joy.

  7. hey, i got your comment on my blog, feel free to link to me. what ive read so far of your blog looks good.

  8. Thank you so much for your comments on my Blog. I would love to put a link to your blog on mine, but I'm such a novice that I'm not sure how. I am very computer savvy but I need to read all of's instructions. I was just led to go ahead and post! Your site is awesome, inspiring and Glorifies our Lord. Thank you so much for posting!! That is confirmation for me to keep going Full-On Forward! I'll take it slow at first, and I'm sure i'll learn but your site is awesome

  9. Hi, this is Josh from Silent Calling. It's no problem if you want to link my blog. Thanks and have a great day. -Josh

  10. I just read through all your posts on this front page of your blog.

    I loved the over ridnig positive flavor of what I read.

    Thank you.

  11. Wow! These are such new acronyms I'll surely use....


  12. My wife and I always say:
    FROGLA = Fresh Revelation Of God's Love and Acceptance


  13. Adding you to my blog links...

  14. Blessings!

    You most certainly can link to my blog if you wish. It is such an encouragement that you have asked. Thank you, also, for the blessing your blog has been!

    In Christ,

  15. HiHi =D marvellous acronyms :))

  16. You most certainly may link to my blog ... ... and I would love to link yours on my blog page.

  17. Thanks for visiting my site and for your good wishes. Merry Christmas to you, too.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. hi, you're most welcome to link to my blog :

    Let's keep in touch. God bless You!

  21. How fun. You ar so creative. Boy there are so many. May I share this with others?

  22. Ditto what Yen ni said...but I am sure you would not mind, so I have already posted it! Thanks for the quick little acronyms to remind us of what is really important!

    Happy New Year to you!!

  23. Thanks for the update! Love the song playing now. So cool!

    God bless you!

  24. heys... hm.. i remembered u posting this once before.. neways :) good one

  25. heart : hear the cross -- Joseph Prince, New Creation Church

  26. Awesome List! Thanks Cyberanger!


  27. Awesome...! He is the Aleph and the Tav in Hebrews, Alpha and Omega in Greek and A to Z in English!!!


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