Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New Seasons of Increase

It's easy to get stuck in a rut in life-to stop expecting things to improve, to quit growing or pressing forward. That's when negative thoughts come that say you've reached your limits, or you're never going to accomplish your goals. But you don't have to accept those lies. Our God is a God of increase. He never wants us to go backwards, only forward. Sure, there are seasons when you may not see a lot of growth. There are seasons when you have to dig your heels in and fight the good fight of faith. Stand and believe that no matter what's come against you, no matter how unfair something was, things are shifting in your favor. Every setback is simply a setup for a comeback! God not only wants to bring you out, He wants to bring you out better off than you were before. Begin to declare this over your life today. Declare that you are walking into new seasons of increase, new seasons in your health, new seasons in your finances, new seasons in your relationships. This is your set time for favor. You may have been rejected in the past, but you're going to be accepted in the future. You may have been pushed down in days gone by, but in this season, you're going to be lifted up. God is going to make your enemies your footstools. Thank Him that your set time for favor is here. Thank Him that your hour of deliverance has come. As you do, you'll rise out of mediocrity. You'll defeat every enemy, overcome every obstacle, and you'll live that life of victory God has in store!

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