Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Inspired 中国文字

名正言顺 means "Perfectly justifiable"
名正 reminds me of "Our Identity in Christ - Righteousness or Right Being" and 言顺 reminds me of "right Word".. When you are the righteouness of God in Christ, you shall speak the right word, His WORD.. Indeed, we are perfectly justifiable in Christ :)

大功告成 means "Being of great success"
大功 reminds me of "Great work of Christ on the cross" and 告成 reminds me of our Lord declared that "It's finished!"

十全十美 means "Perfect"
十 reminds me of "Ten Commandments or LAW".. God's Law is Perfect.
十 also reminds me of "十字架,Cross".. The fulfillment of the Law was the death of Jesus on the cross.

完全完美 means "Completely perfect"
完全 reminds me of the "Finished" work is complete and 完美 reminds me of the "Finished" work is beautiful. 美 means the Lamb (羊) is Great (大) :)

One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to meditate in His temple. (Ps. 27:4)

If you could ask God for one thing, what would it be?
Why would you choose this as your “one thing”?
Read on >>


  1. Cool! =D

    When I saw 十全十美 - I saw Jesus haha so I went to research on the elements... (I happen to be doing one on 五福靈門 right now when I checked my inbox for work related emails and saw your note abt your new blog entry - No coincidences in Christ!)

    Back to 十全十美...

    十 looks like the cross ( I will come back to what the element means)

    全 is formed of 人 (man) and 王 (king) - Jesus was both the Son of God (our Saviour King) and the Son of Man.

    Again we see the cross... (duality of Christ's role - Son of Man and Son of God? Second coming?)

    美 is formed of the elements for Lamb 羊 and God head 大. Jesus is the Lamb of God.

    Could this actually mean that Jesus is the perfect Son of Man, Saviour King and Lamb of God?

    Interesting note, 十 means complete, the centre, the focus.

    Jesus is complete man and complete deity as well... the focus of our worship! =D

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