Friday, April 10, 2009

An Anointing of Ease - by Joel Osteen

When you step into an anointing of ease, what was once difficult suddenly becomes easy. Things you used to struggle with are not a struggle anymore. There's a supernatural grace and favor that lightens the load and takes the pressure off.

Jesus said, "My yolk is easy and my burden is light." No matter how things look, you should know the most powerful force in the universe, God Almighty, is blowing an anointing of ease in your direction.

Scripture says, "It's not by our might. It's not by our power. But it's by the breath of Almighty God." As God breathes in your life, things become easier and negative situations turn around.

Psalm 126 says, "It seemed like a dream too good to be true when God gave us the victory. Now God, do it again so those with heavy hearts will come out laughing with armloads of blessings." That's God's dream.

When you have a heavy heart, when life deals you a difficult blow, God wants to turn it around and not only bring you out, but bring you out with a smile and better off than you were before with armloads of blessings.

When we realize this and receive it, there is a peace that only God can give that strengthens us, lifts our heavy loads, and brings us out of situations stronger, full of more joy, peace, faith and victory.

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