Thursday, April 30, 2009

Christian Acronymns (SWINE FLU)

ASAP= Always Say A Prayer
BA = Born Again
BASIC = Brothers And Sisters In Christ
BIBLE= Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
BIRD FLU= Believe In Redeemer Deeply, Fear Leaves Us
BMW= Bestow Me Wisdom
CARE=Come And Rest Everyday
CASH= Christians Always Say Hallelujah
CHRISTMAS = CHRIST.. My Anointed Saviour
COLD= Call Our Lord Directly
CRASH= Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah
CROSS= Christ Redeemed Our Sins & Shame
COOL= Christ Our Only Lord
EAGLE = Embrace Abba God's Love Everyday
ERIC= Eternally Righteous In Christ
FAITH= Forsaking All, I Trust Him
FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real
FISH= Forever I'll Serve Him
FROG= Faithfully Relying On God
FROGLA = Fresh Revelation Of God's Love and Acceptance
GLUE= God Loves Us Eternally
GRACE = God's Riches At Christ's Expense
GST= Get Saved Today
HELP = His Ever Loving Presence
HEART = Humility+Enthusiasm+Attitude+Relationship+Trust
HIGH FEVER= Healed In God's Hands, Faith Empowers, Vitalises, Edifies & Restores
HOPE = Hoping On, Pray Expectantly.
HUG = His Unlimited Grace.
JANICE= Justified And New Inspiring Creature Empowered
JAPAN = Joy And Peace Are Needed.
JILL= Jesus Is Loving Lord
JOY = Jesus, Others, Yourself.
KFC= Keep Following Christ
KISS = Keeping It Simple, Spiritually
LOGIC= Love Of God In Christ ~new~
LOVE= Live Out Victory Everyday
MRT = Must Rest Today
OOPS= Only One Personal Savior
OSAS= Once Saved Always Saved
PEACE = Pray Expectantly, Adore Christ Everyday
PHD = Praticing Healing & Deliverance
PUSH= Pray Until Something Happen
RICH= Rejoice In Christ.. Hallelujah!
REST = Rooted Everyday, Simply Trusting.
SARS= Stand And Receive Salvation
SHEEP= Saints Have Experienced Everlasting Peace
SMS= Saviour Miraculously Saves
SWINE FLU= Stay Wholesome IN El-shaddai, Fear Leaves Us
SWORD= Simply Worship Our Redeemer Daily
TGIF= Thank God I'm Forgiven
THANKS= To Honour A Nail-pierced Kind Saviour
TITHE= The Investment That HE Endorses
TSUNAMI= Tackling Satan Ultimately Needs A Marvelous Intercessor

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