Saturday, April 04, 2009

God Works All Things Out for Our Good - by Joel Osteen

God has predestined us to live a life of victory. But when things happen that don't make sense and they're hard to understand, it's easy to get stuck trying to make sense of everything. But God has another piece to the puzzle of your life coming your way.

Life is not always fair, but God is fair. He promises in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for our good. The key is the word "together." In other words, we can't isolate one part of our life and say, "Well, this isn't good." It might be true, but it's just one part of our life and one piece of our puzzle. God sees the bigger picture and disappointment is not the end. Our life doesn't end because of one setback.

The Scripture says that all our days have been written in God's book. He's already recorded every part of our lives from the beginning to the end. He knows every disappointment, loss and challenge.

The good news is our story ends in victory. Our final chapter concludes with fulfilling our God-given destiny. Sometimes it's easy to become focused on what didn't work out as we've reread that chapter of our life 450 times! But when this happens, it's time to move forward into the new chapter God has in store. God has some ingredients for your life coming your way that will turn the sour into sweet and the mourning into dancing. He even has ingredients that will lift you out of mediocrity and into a life of abundance because our God is the God who works all things together for our good!

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