Sunday, June 13, 2010

Amazing Testimony of Katie Souza

Ascending into the Supernatural
Katie Souza went from working in the entertainment industry to being a career criminal. Her days were filled with drugs, clandestine laboratories, stolen vehicles, high-speed chases, gun shootouts, and many arrests. But after being caught and sentenced to 13 years in prison, Katie's life was radically transformed. Now she is out of prison, in full-time ministry, and when she ministers, people are healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Tune in as Katie reveals how to bring Heaven to Earth so you can experience the miraculous in your life. More >>

The Glory Light of Jesus
Katie Souza has received powerful revelation on how the kingdom of darkness operates and how to defeat it. Now Katie and her ministry are witnessing individuals being healed of many types of sickness and disease. Tune in as Katie reveals how you can also become a carrier of God's presence, pray effectively, and use the Glory Light of Jesus to break the power of the enemy over your life. More >>

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