Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Time to take the QUIZ...

I made the following Quiz for you:

a) "10 Basic Christian Doctrine Quiz " (View the Scoreboard)

b) "David & Goliath Quiz" (View the Scoreboard)

c) "Bible Quiz version 1.0" (View the Scoreboard)

d) "Bible Quiz version 2.0" (View the Scoreboard)

Thanks so much for your time and be blessed...


Beloved Princess said...

Hey bro, easy lah! :D

happiwife said...


cybeRanger said...

beloved princess,

It's simple but powerful truth right? :) Feel free to take "David & Goliath" Quiz too...

Fish Tank is broken! said...

haha! fun leh, more quiz more quiz!

ShepherdKing said...

Hi, u all love to play quiz? Try this http://www.bible.org.sg/what/fun/national_online_bible_quiz2005.htm Its quite tough leh.. :P

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Praise the Lord!Love your Blog! How do you make the cool scrolling up and down graphics! I'd like to list the inspirational posts on a scroll like that!

Unique Treasures Boutique said...

Hey Cyberanger! Found your blog from Gideon! I love your writting! could i add you to my links?! God Bless you bro!